Custom Herb Enter the name and/or ingredients of your custom herb here: $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Adrenal Aid This formula strengthens the adrenal glands and is good for Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Allergies, and dark circles under the eyes. It protects the adrenal glands from the negative effects of psychological or chemical stress. Ingredients: Siberian Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, Schisandra, Fresh Milky Oats, and Devils Club. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Alterative Formula The Original Hoxsey Formula", in a whole herb compound. Used for over 150 years and has many claims of complete and partial remissions of cancer. Herbalists and Ecclectic Physicians have reported great success using this formula for chronic degenerative disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic skin disease and obesity. Research has also shown that this formula is highly active and can be a useful part of a natural program for many types of cancer, Research states that these herns have been useful in slowing the metastasis of tumor cells. Contains: Licorice, Red Clover, Burdock, Poke Root, Prickly Ash, and Oregon Grape. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Anti-Biotic Herbs This formula is for acute bacterial infections, especially of the sinus and respiratory tract. Short Circuit the disease process, fight back with this safe alternative to drugs. Contains: All three Echinaceas, A P. and P.,Bayberry, Red Clover, and a touch of pure Goldenseal may be added upon request. Note: Some people who are allergic to ragweed also can react to Goldenseal. Please let us know if you?d like us to add Goldenseal when you order. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Anti-Fungal/Yeast Formula This formula is useful for any fungal or yeast overgrowth, from Candida and Thrush to systemic chronic conditions. It can also be used topically on athletes foot, ringworm, and jock itch. Contains: Fresh Black Walnut Hulls, Yellowroot, Fresh Spilanthes, Usnea, Myrrh gum, and Cardamom seeds. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Anti-Depression A good herbal combination for depression, seasonal affective disorder, menopausal depression, bipolar depression. It's a good overall mood elevator. Contains: Fresh Melissa, Black Cohosh, St.Johnswort, Cactus, Basil, and Lavender, all made from fresh organic herbs, alchemically processed and extracted in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Anti-Parasite This formula is useful for a wide range of intestinal parasites. Its gentle and effective and will not damage the delicate intestinal flora. Anti-Parasite works by changing the pH of the system of the host, thus making the environment uncomfortable to the parasites.Contains: Fresh green Black Walnut Hulls, Quassia wood, Elecampane, and Artemesia extracted over 40 days, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Anti-Viral Combo This formula has active antiviral properties appropriate in acute (flu, chicken pox, shingles, mumps, measles) or chronic viral diseases (herpes, HIV, HPV, CMV, EBV, hepatitis A, B and C). It will help to lessen the severity, duration and frequency of skin lesions and warts. Contains: St. Johnswort, Lomatium, Hyssop, Lemon Balm, and Isatis Root, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Arthritis Herb Combo #1 (Articular) A good anti-inflammatory that helps to ease pain and acts as a mild sedative from pain. It also helps to gently clean toxins and debris trapped in the joints. Use with the Super Aloe Vera Juice. Contains: Devils Claw, Red Clover, Tumeric, Blue Cohosh, Feverfew, Burdock, Jamaican Dogwood, all from organically grown plants, alchemically processed and extracted in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Arthritis Herb Combo #2 (Fibromyalgia) This combo is good for Fibromyalgia, Connective Tissue Arthritis and Rheumatic Conditions. It is known as an anti-inflammatory and calms nerve endings and aids in eliminating inflammation of the intestinal tract. This formula also helps the body detoxify uric acid crystals from the muscles and joints. Contains: Devil?s Claw, Tumeric, Chaparral, Black Cohosh, Yucca, Burdock, and Jamaican Dogwood, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Athlete's Formula This formula combines adaptogens, anti-inflammatory agents and nutritive tonics to strengthen cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and immune functions. Contains: Siberian Ginseng, Schisandra berry, Hawthorn Fruit, leaf and flower, Ganoderma, Smilax, and He Shou Wu root, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Bitter Herbs This formula stimulates the entire process of digestion, absorption and elimination. It increases natural enzymes and hydrochloric acid in the system. It's also a great weight loss aid, useful for hypothyroid conditions, and helps curb the desire for sweets. Contains: Dandelion, gentian, Artichoke, Peppermint, Angelica and Orange Peel, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Blueberry Solid Extract This formula increases circulation to the capillaries of the eyes, it is useful for preventing diabetic retinopathy as well as treating night blindness, macular degeneration and cataracts. It is also good for varicose veins and can reduce symptoms of aging, such as memory loss, cognitive and motor impairment, and may help to prevent cancer, heart disease and arthralgias. Contains: Organic fresh Blueberries and Apple pectin, cold processed and extracted in less than 3% alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Candida Cord Homeopathic preparation of Candida albicans which helps to eliminate excess yeast in the body. It also helps to enhance the immune system to fight off yeast-like fungus that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Capillary Combo This formula is indicated for abnormal capillary or passive bleeding. Contains: Yarrow Flowers, Shepherd?s Purse, Tienchi Ginseng, and Cinnamon Bark, alchemically processed and extracted in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Chill Out A gentle herbal calming, nervine and sedative formula, for general anxiety, irritability, insomnia, restlessness and tension. Great for hyperactive children and adults. Contains: Fresh Milky Oats, Scullcap, Catnip and Chamomile extracted in a base of pure glycerine. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Circulatory Tonic This formula will help increase and strengthen the entire circulatory system. It is a must for diabetics and people suffering from neuropathy, arteriosclerosis, circulatory impotence, Raynaud's,and vericosities. Contains: Collinsonia, Ginkgo, Hawthorne, Chinese Lyceum, Cinnamon and Horsechestnut, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Cystic Breast Tonic This tonic helps break down stagnant, fibrous tissue. It actually aids in the breakdown and elimination of the fibrous and congested tissue of the breasts. Contains: Burdock, Red Root, Echinaceas A & P and Poke Root, Cold Processed and extracted in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Fall Allergy Tonic This tonic was formulated to lessen allergic reactions of Autumn allergy suffers. It strengthens the immune system to lessen the reaction to the stimulus and makes the body more resilient and less likely to over react. Contains: Albizzia, Chinese Scullcap, Nettles, Autumn Gathered Ginkgo and Astragulus, extracted, in alcohol, using an alchemical, low-heat process. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Fu Zheng Combo This combination enhances the immune reservoir and normalizes immune activity. It is a must for anyone who has undergone Chemo and/or radiation therapy. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Gentle Lax This combo will gently help your body recover from acute constipation. It is not habit forming nor does it upset the delicate balance in the colon. Contains: Butternut Root, Buckthorne, Culvers Root, Ginger and Cascara Sagrada, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Gout Relief Combo This tonic assists the body to detoxify trapped uric acid. It contains colchicum, urtica urens, and willow bark. If you know anyone suffering from this painful disorder, let them in on this well kept secret. Works best when taken with the Super Aloe Vera Juice. $24.95 Add this item to my cart
Hay Fever/Allergy This tonic is useful for treating acute symptoms of head colds, seasonal hay fever and other pollen allergies, sinusitis and animal hair/dander allergies caused by animal hair. Specific indications include itchy, scratchy red eyes, sinus congestion, profuse clear or white mucus, frequent sneezing, upper respiratory tract congestion and post nasal drip. Contains:Osha, Eyebright, Echinacea, Horseradish and Bayberry made, in alcohol, from the finest, alchemically processed, wildcrafted herbs. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Hawthorne Berry Solids The benifit of one of the best tonics for the entire heart and ciculatory system in a concebntrated form. It tastes so good, you?ll want to have it on crackers. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Heart Tonic A formula rich in herbs containing flavonoids that help nourishes and restores tone to the heart muscle and the blood vessels. Contains:Hawthorn fruit, leaf and flower, Linden Flower, Cactus, Autumn gathered ginkgo leaf, Prickly Ash bark, and Fresh Bugleweed. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Herbal Aspirin Natural pain relief for Headaches, Cramps, Muscular and Arthritic Pain. This formula is used as an herbal painkiller. It combines salicin containing herbs,which are anti-inflammatories, with anti-spasmodics which creates a feeling of separation from pain. Contains: Willow bark, Whole Indian Pipe, Jamaican Dogwood, Turmeric,St.John?s Wort, and Meadowsweet. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Herbal Calcium This formula is a better choice than calcium supplements. It is easier for the body to assimilate, and works very well as a daily calcium and mineral supplement. Contains: Milky Oats, Chamomile, Alfalfa, Horsetail and organic extract of eggshells. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Herbal Iron This formula enhances iron absorption, good for Anemia, Low Hematocrit/ Hemoglobin. It's the healthier choice to use! Contains:Beet Succus, Yellowdock, Watercress and Nettles, all organic, and alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Herbal Mouthrinse A combo that helps reduce plaque formation, inhibits bacteria, stimulates saliva flow, and helps with receding and bleeding gums. Contains: Fresh Spilanthes, Goldenseal, Myrrh gum, Bloodroot and essential oil of Cinnamon. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Herbal Vitamins A vibrant health tonic that's better than vitamins and is faster and easier to assimilate. These herbal vitamins provide the richest complex of highly absorbable nutrients all taken from plants and whole foods. There are no side effects and no overdose level. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Hypertension Herbs This is a balanced formula that helps to gently lower blood pressure and reduce stress placed on the heart. Contains: Linden, Hawthorn, Motherwort, Olive and European Mistletoe, alchemically processed in an alcohol extraction. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Inner Ear Herbs This formula is good for Otitis media, (Inner Ear Inflammation). It soothes inflamed mucous membranes and tissues and also aids in drainage of the inner ear cavity. It cleans the mucous membranes while providing anti-inflammatory actions at the same time. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Insight Combo This formula is a good overall tonic for the eyes, helps strengthen eyesight, and is useful for cataracts, night vision, detached retina, Mac. Degeneration. Contains: Ginkgo, Blueberry Solids extract (2:1), Chinese Lyceum, Chinese Chrysanthemum, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Insomnia Herbs This combo has a calming effect on the body and relieves insomnia. It helps to relieve headaches due to nervous tension and muscle spasms due to nerves, good for extreme emotional stress and reduces nervous tension. Contains: Valarian, Passionflower, Scullcap, Chamomile and Fresh Milky Oats, all organic, and specifically processed. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
IntraCellular Tonic This herb combo helps raise the intracellular levels of cAMP (Immune System Enhancement). cAMP acts as a secondary messenger within the cell carrying out the role of hormones at the receptor sites to insure that hormones accomplish what they intend to. cAMP is regarded as a cell regulating compound. Contains: Coleus Forskohli, Chinese Bupleurum, Skullcap, Jujube Dates, Licorice, Ginger and Feverfew, alchemically processed in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Irritable Bowel This formula reduces spasms and cramping of the gastrointestinal tract and also acts as an intestinal anti-inflammatory. Contains: Fresh Tumeric Rhizome, Sarsaparilla, Catnip, Yarrow and Wild Yam Root. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Kidney Compound This formula is indicated for chronic kidney disease with degeneration and mild to moderate loss of kidney function. It tonifies the kidneys and the immune system. Contains: Nettle Seeds, Rehmannia Root, Nettle Leaf and Cordyceps, from organic plants. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Kidney/Diuretic A good diuretic which induces sweating and urination. It is useful for urinary problems, and eliminates bloating due to water retention, relieves pain from cystitis and nephritis. Helps reduce urinary tract irritation and atony and will clear up blood in the urine, and may eliminate mild forms of hemorrhage. Contains: Equisitum, Uva Ursi, Shepherd?s Purse, Pipsissewa, Parsley, Juniper and Dandelion. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Liver Tonic This is a balanced formula that normalizes liver function, a good liver cleanser, increases bile production, metabolizes fat, and eliminates pollutants from the liver. The #1 combo for all liver ailments and liver detox. Contains: Fresh Dandelion Root, Watercress, Blessed Thistle, Milk Thistle Seed, Tumeric and Oregon Grape root, extracted in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Lower Bowel Tonic This formula is a low heated and capsulized useful for chronic constipation without irritation to the colon. These capsules tone and increase bile production and ease constipation. It does not irritate the colon but strengthens intestine walls to continue it's parastalic action. It actually feeds and tones the entire bowel tract. Contains: Turkey Rhubarb, Ginger Root, Red Rasberry Leaf, Bayberry, Lobelia, Licorice, Fennel Seed, Goldenseal, and Cayenne Pepper, all flash dried in a unique, no-heat process. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Lymphatic Combo This combo is useful for lymphatic stagnation, especially congested lymph nodes. Contains: Burdock, Figwort, Violet and Red Clover. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Lymphatic Combo This combo is useful for lymphatic stagnation, especially congested lymph nodes. Contains: Burdock, Figwort, Violet and Red Clover. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Magic Mushrooms A good immune potentiating formula for autoimmune disorders from allergies to cancer. Contains: Red and Black Ganoderma, Chaga, Shiitake, Maitaki and Cordyceps, all alchemically procesed from organic mushrooms, in alcohol. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Memory/Clarity These herbs increase circulation to the brain, act as a mild stimulant and have anti-depressive action. Contains: Gotu Kola, Chinese Schisandra Berry, Ginkgo, Lemon Balm and Rosemary. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Menopause/Transitional Formula A useful formula for helping to normalize a woman's endocrine and reproductive systems, allowing for a healthy, symptom-free menopause. Specifically useful for hot flashes, night sweats, "skin crawling" and sleeplessness associated with menopausal discomfort. Contains: Chaste Tree Berry, Chinese Dang Gui, Blue Vervain, Black Cohosh and Fresh Cactus Stems. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Men's Tonic This is a general tonic for the male genitourinary system. It strengthens the system and helps normalize hormonal balance. Indications include low sperm count and poor motility, lack of vitality, impotence. Contains: Saw Palmetto, Smilax, Panax Ginseng, He Sho Wu, Collinsonia and Yohimbe. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Nausea Herbs This herb formula relieves symptoms of nausea caused by upset stomach, motion sickness, morning sickness and diarrhea. Contains: Wild Yam, Chamomile, Fennel, Ginger and a touch of Peppermint. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Neuro Herbs A gentle, yet useful formula for children with hyperactive behavior (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD). Also indicated for general irritability, poor concentration and restless sleep patterns. Adults can also use this formula for poor concentration and restlessness. Contains: Fresh Milky Oats, Lemon Balm, Hawthorn Flower and Fruit, Ginkgo Leaves, Fresh Skullcap. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Pancreatone An herbal blend that normalizes glandular function for adult onset Diabetes and Hypoglycemia. Contains: Dandelion, Gentian, Blueberry Leaf, Devil?s Club and Gymnema. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
PMS Herb Combo This tonic is useful for treating congestive conditions of the uterus, cervix and vagina, including vaginitis, prolapses and the aching sensation of weight or fullness. It alleviates menstrual cramps and eliminates excessive bloating due to water retention. Contains: Chaste Tree, Vervain, Motherwort and Kava. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Serenity Combo This formula is useful for general stress, anxiety, nervous tension and stress induced insomnia. Contains: Siberian Ginseng, Skullcap, Chamomile, Fresh Oats and Linden. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Stress Buster This is a general nervine formula useful in mild to moderate cases of insomnia, restlessness, anxiety and tension. Good as a muscle relaxant, headaches due to stress, anxiety, depression, soother of frazzled nerves. Contains: Siberian Ginseng, fresh Milky Oats, Schisandra berry, fresh Gotu Kola, Rhodiola root, and fresh American Ginseng. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Super C Elixir The only totally organic form of vitamin C . This is a better form of C that boosts immune response and helps iron absorption. This elixir is derived mostly from Amalaki fruits growing wild in India, each fruit contains nearly 3,000 mg of Vitamin C. The actions of this elixir are to enhance the bodies immune response against colds, flu's and infections, to enhance capillary integrity, to rebuild and enhance the vitality of every cell. Contains: Amalaki, Rose Hips solid extract, custom extract of Sea Vegetation and Marine Algae, Sweet Orange essence extracted in glycerine. (2oz.) $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Super Immune Booster Used to stimulate immune response, indicated for both chronic and acute immune dysfunction. Specific indications include viral and bacterial diseases, i.e. colds, flus, mononucleosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis, Epstein-Barr virus, poor resistance to infection and strep throat. This product can be taken in small amounts to potentiate immune activity or larger amounts when dealing with an external influence (acute viral or bacterial illness). It strengthens the immune reservoir creating greater immune potential. Contains: Astragulus, Echinaceas A & P and Goldenseal. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Super Immune #2 This formula is indicated for both chronic and acute immune dysfunction. Specific indications include viral and bacterial diseases. It is especially helpful with colds, flus, mononucleosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystitis, Epstein Barr Virus, poor resistance to infection and strep throat. Contains: Astragulus, Echinacea P, Saw Palmetto, Siberian Ginseng, Oregon Grape and Myrrh Gum. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Tobacco Withdrawal Helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Contains: Fresh Milky Oat seeds, Skullcap, Plaintain, Licorice Root and Lobelia. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
U.T. Tonic This formula is useful in the treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections. Contains: Uva Ursi, Oregon Grape root, Cleavers, Cornsilk, Hydrangia and Kava Kava. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Uterine Fibroids A formula used for circulatory stagnation of the pelvic region, good for ovarian cysts and polycystic ovaries. Contains: Chaste Tree, Dang Gui, Saw Palmetto, White Peony, Cinnamon Bark, Cyperus and Shepherd?s Purse. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Varicose Vein This combination restores tone and vigor to veins and arteries all over the body. It is useful for hemorrhoids, vericosities and helps to strengthen and tone the vessels from the heart through the entire venous system. Contains: Butcher?s Broom, Horse Chestnut, Hamamelis and Hawthorn. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
WP Herb Combo A gentle formula that helps rid the body of worms and parasites. Contains: Wormwood, Sage, Fennel, Maleworm, Artemesia, Goldenseal, Elecampane and Papaya. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
White Pond Lily A tonic that helps increase vaginal lubrication in peri and menopausal women. Contains: Fresh Milky Oats, White Pond Lily Root, Chinese Asparagus and Licorice Root. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Women's Formula This tonic helps to balance a woman's hormonal system. Specific indications include PMS, irregular menstrual cycles, absence of menses, excessive menstrual bleeding, and problems caused by menopausal stress. It can also be helpful in cases of infertility associated with hormonal imbalances. Contains:Fresh Motherwort, Helonias, Fresh Wild Yam, Rasberry, Ginger and Chaste Tree Berry. $18.95 Add this item to my cart
Yummy Bear A delicious herb tonic for children with colds, flus, viral or bacterial infections, it boosts the immune system. Contains: Echinacea, Elderberry, Lemon Balm and Orange Oil, processed in glyceride. $18.95 Add this item to my cart